Benchmade Catalogs – 2010s

After discontinuing its relationship with HK in late 2016, Benchmade returned to having a single catalog for all its offerings in 2017.

Unfamiliar with md5sum files? There's more information after the file listing.

File Listing

[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory -  
[PDF]2011consumer.pdf 18M 
[PDF]2011pro.pdf 22M 
[PDF]2012commercial-and-professional.pdf 14M 
[PDF]2013commercial-and-professional.pdf 15M 
[PDF]2014benchmade 2.pdf 19MFixed/Updated Revision
[PDF]2014benchmade.pdf 24M 
[PDF]2015benchmade 2.pdf 22MFixed/Updated Revision
[PDF]2015benchmade.pdf 21M 
[PDF]2016_Benchmade_Catalog.pdf 27M 
[PDF]2018_Benchmade_Catalog.pdf 11M 
[PDF]2019_Benchmade_Catalog 2.pdf 83MFixed/Updated Revision
[PDF]2019_Benchmade_Catalog.pdf 15M 

MD5SUM Files

These "checksum" files can be used to ensure that the other files were not changed or corrupted accidentally.

Wikipedia has more information.


Feel free to get in touch with any questions or concerns, or if you have other catalogs.